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Jorge Osorio V. [1] (VERSIÓN DE JUNIO, 2016) [2] Este artículo   propone ocho ámbitos de conversación   acerca del sentido y de la práctica de la pedagogía   ciudadana crítica y su manifestación en   la construcción de relaciones inclusivas y participativas en la vida de las escuelas. Para ello, vamos a plantear un conjunto de afirmaciones y de dilemas, que esperamos sean útiles para pensar , animar y transformar la vida de las escuelas. 1. Plantearnos la Pedagogía Ciudadana Crítica   es una vía práctica para confrontarnos con el sentido del pensamiento pedagógico vigente y sus fuentes y la posibilidad de inaugurar nuevas maneras de pensar la escuela. Todas las acciones emprendidas en las escuelas remiten a marcos conceptuales y a sistemas de apreciaciones más o menos formales. Analizar las condiciones de la práctica es tomar distancia de la idea vulgar de que ésta pueda ser un tipo de actuación irreflexiva. La reflexión pedagógica –es decir e...

Educación para la Ciudadanía Global: Síntesis Final del Seminario ICAE 2016

At the end of the first part of our Seminar we set out the need to advance in a practical definition of GCED from local issues as a first space for the exercise of citizenship, and from there to think "globalization" and its impact on the life of people. The ideal (dominant) model of globalization places us before a global reality which creates technological and communicational conditions to promote intercultural dialogue, the search for peace between peoples and the modernization of social development programs that enable to eradicate poverty. However, globalization is being a phenomenon that does not favor a change of mentality and policies in a sense of justice, inclusion and non-domination. Some speak of a colono-globalization to describe a new neo-colonial model that organizes the production and exchange of tangible and intangible assets from powerful "centers" impervious to ecological, social and cultural realities of peripheries, i.e., of te...

Educación para la Ciudadanía Global. Primera Síntesis del Seminario Virtual ICAE 2016 en inglés, francés y español

ICAE Virtual Seminar “Adult Education and Development: Global Citizenship Education" 1-18 March 2016 (English, Français, Español) First Synthesis 1 By Jorge Osorio Vargas ICAE-Chile We are in the middle of our Seminar and we would like to offer a synthesis of the articles and comments and to build bridges towards what will come next in this Virtual Meeting. ICAE has convened this seminar with the aim of generating a space for creation, exchange and presentation of proposals on the challenges youth and adult education is facing to promote and train in the exercise of active citizenship that, from the local and national sphere nourishes by convictions and responsibilities regarding the demanding task that the world has today, which is to build a fair coexistence that respects the diversity of cultures, which allows all individuals and communities to effectively access and enjoy the common cultural a...